Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Electrical Competency

Electrical Competency

Electrical competency can be categorized into skill-based and professional competency.

Skill-based are as followed:
1. Wireman
2. Chargeman
3. Cable Jointer

Professional Competency are as followed:
1. Competent Electrical Engineer
2. Electrical Supervisor
3. Electrical Services Engineer

In Peninsular Malaysia & Sabah, the regulatory body is Suruhanjaya Tenaga http://www.st.gov.my/ and whereas in Sarawak, it is regulated by Electrical Inspectorate Unit, EIU. EIU is one of the unit in Ministry of Utilities Sarawak. https://mou.sarawak.gov.my/

EIU, Sarawak is based on The Electricity Rules, 1999, Electricity Ordinance, and State Grid Code.

Electricity Ordinance, Chapter 50. An ordinance to control and regulate electrical installations and the supply of electricity; and for connected and incidental purposes.

The Electricity Rules, 1999. Consists of electrical installations and Competent person

The Electricity (State Grid Code) Rules, 2003. Consists of Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity.

If you have Competency Certificate from Suruhanjaya Tenaga, does EIU accept or recognise the certificate?
Answer: Yes. The person just need to attend the examination of EOER and attend an formality interview with EIU panel.

For skill-based competency, it is EIU requirement to pass examination of both The Electricity Rules, 1999 and Electricity Ordinance.

For professional competency, it is EIU requirement to pass examination of The Electricity Rules, 1999; Electricity Ordinance, and The Electricity (State Grid Code).

Examination of EOER and SGC are open-book consist of 60 questions on a single exam paper.

Sample question is like below:

Sample Questions EOER

When electrical installation was done by wireman, Supervision and Completion Certificate shall be issued by whom?

Sample question of SGC

For more information, kindly write on the comment.